
Should I tell them I’m not Māori?
Research shows that Māori have inequitable access to tests, prescriptions, interventions and quality care compared with the rest of the population.
Tō tātou Reo advance care planning Māori engagement manager Maarie Hutana explores why this continues and how we can use a cultural safety approach to place a person at the centre of their care.

Myth busting advance care planning
‘Myth busting advance care planning’ examines the myths and misconceptions that often shroud the process.
From the belief that it’s a time-consuming document to the notion that Māori don’t like to talk about death and dying, this webinar aims to dispel these myths and provide a clear understanding of what advance care planning truly entails.

Tools to support end-of-life care for aged care residents living with dementia
Tō tātou reo advance care planning and the New Zealand Dementia foundation have been working together to support aged care residents living with dementia mate wareware.

Tips for clinicians from the other side of the plan
Nurse practitioner Carla Arkless is a familiar face to many, with more than 20 years’ experience working across palliative and advance care planning circles in Aotearoa. She is now making the most of the support her own plan provides after a cycling trip was cut short by a terminal cancer diagnosis.